BOOM! We expected this, no surprise to us: BQ & XBB subvariants present serious threats to current COVID-19 vaccines, rendering inactive all antibodies (Wang); immune escape, fixation, tolerance

by Paul Alexander

BQ.1, BQ.1.1, XBB, & XBB.1 are most resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants to date; Serum neutralization was markedly reduced, including with the bivalent booster; All clinical monoclonal antibodies inactive

Simply put, the booster is a failure and is causing serious harms too. Must be pulled, must be stopped as there is no conferred benefit. These beasts at Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, NIH, FDA and governments are pushing injections on their populations, including children, that do NOT work. Imagine that!

As long as we keep vaccinating with a sub-optimal non-neutralizing (non-sterilizing) gene injection platform (some call it a vaccine and I do not) that does not sterilize the virus, and thus there will be no HERD immunity, and roll it out into the teeth of a pandemic where there is massive infectious pressure (circulating virus pressing down on the population), then natural selection (selective pressure) will select for more immune evading infectious sub-variants (“fitter, hardier”) and this will happen. It has happened. G Vanden Bosshe has warned repeatedly, I am a disciple of his and I agree 100%.

We are seeing clear evidence of original antigenic sin (I call the sin ‘mortal’ given there is no reversal of the initial primed response that devolves into immune escape and severe illness to the vaccinated), viral immune escape, immune tolerance (IgG4 class-switching), immune fixation/prejudicing/imprinting. There is also the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (and of disease) and pathogenic priming (

This is designed to happen this way, the pandemic will never end IMO for 100 more years, with infectious variant after another driven by the COVID gene injection itself, and thus the need to keep extending the emergency powers. This is it. The emergency powers will never end because variants keep emerging, yet the variants are emerging due to the gene injection. What a perverse ingenious scheme they have devised. This is a slow-kill bioweapon, IMO, and if I wanted to develop such a bioweapon, a biological weapon, I would bring this type of sub-optimal vaccine just the way it has been developed, and roll it out in the very same manner in the midst of a pandemic.


Please see my prior substack on this, as it is clear, the bivalent booster has failed catastrophically and there is constant evidence being published of the failure (see prior study by Miller et al. that supports this one by Wang et al.):

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter
More bad news for COVID gene injection vaccine with Substantial Neutralization Escape by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variants BQ.1.1 & XBB.1 (Miller); immune imprinting, fixation, immune escape, antigenic sin
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Remember what I had written prior:

Five devastating aspects of the COVID gene injection today (mRNA & DNA platforms):

i)There are significant adverse effects from the COVID gene injection (mRNA & DNA platforms) e.g. bleeding, blood clotting, myocarditis, paralysis, anaphylaxis etc. including death

ii)There is clear evidence that the COVID gene injection (mRNA & DNA platforms) drives original antigenic sin, viral immune escape, and immune fixation, priming; We are seeing clear evidence of original antigenic sin (I call the sin ‘mortal’ given there is no reversal of the initial primed response), viral immune escape, immune tolerance, immune fixation/prejudicing/imprinting. There is also the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (and of disease) and pathogenic priming (

iii)There is substantial risk that the antigen-specific ‘high-affinity’ vaccine induced antibodies subvert and sideline, outcompete the broadly protective lower-affinity innate antibodies of the naïve innate immune system of the young child that needs training and education as the maternal antibodies wane. This sets the child up for auto-immune disease as the training to recognize ‘self’ from ‘non-self’ (& nuances self-like, self-mimicking) components in the child is subverted (this involves sub-optimal training of the natural killer cells (NK))

iv)The sub-optimal non-neutralizing vaccinal antibodies in the teeth of a pandemic when there is constant elevated infectious pressure drives natural selection (selective) pressure to select for more infectious sub-variants and a potentially more lethal virulent one

v)The vaccine induced antibodies are giving the virus infectivity properties it prior did not have, causing the vaccinated to become infected, with increased illness, hospitalization, and death; the vaccinated no longer could contribute to herd immunity and are transmitting virus to other vaccinated as well as unvaccinated persons; See Fantini et al (Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination?):