Doctors (Marik): Evidence suggests that the combination of vitamin C, corticosteroids & thiamine acts synergistically to reverse sepsis (septic shock) induced organ dysfunction; intravenous vitamin C

by Paul Alexander

Intravenous (IV) vitamin C, thiamine, & hydrocortisone; Vit C protocol (Marik): Only 4 of 47 patients treated with the protocol did not survive (8.5%), while 19 of the 47 control patients died (40%)

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These findings are very applicable to sepsis in severely ill COVID patients.

‘After the first life-saving success, his vitamin C / hydrocortisone / thiamine protocol was used to treat 47 consecutive septic patients over seven months in 2016. He compared the results he achieved with these patients in a retrospective manner with a control group of septic patients treated without his new protocol during the prior seven months, simply looking at the outcome of survival.’


Dr. Marik's results were stunning. Only 4 of the 47 patients treated with the protocol did not survive (8.5%), while 19 of the 47 control patients (who did not receive this protocol) died (40.4%). None of the treated patients developed any organ failure, and all of the treated patients were able to be weaned off of vasopressors (blood pressure-supporting drugs) within roughly 24 hours of starting the protocol.