Genital Surgery on Men Attempting to Appear as Women; Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty Tops a List of Horrifying Procedures; McCullough weighs in on this terrible procedure in transgender world

by Paul Alexander

see McCullough's substack on this horrific procedure, no matter how you slice it! surgical steps which starts with flaying the penis and working to invert it to act as a rudimentary vagina.

‘For “Pride Month” I have featured papers concerning the rise of LGBTQ and transgenderism. Amidst the deluge of clips showing rainbow flags, drag festivals, and exuberant hypersexuality, there are some serious images not making the primetime news.

van der Sluis and colleagues published a review of contemporary surgeries for men who are attempting to change their bodies to more appear like women. Among all the procedures, the penile inversion vaginoplasty caught my attention. See the sequence of surgical steps which starts with flaying the penis and working to invert it to act as a rudimentary vagina. Note the testicles and scrotal sac have been removed before the start of this mutilating surgery.’

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Genital Surgery on Men Attempting to Appear as Women
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH For “Pride Month” I have featured papers concerning the rise of LGBTQ and transgenderism. Amidst the deluge of clips showing rainbow flags, drag festivals, and exuberant hypersexuality, there are some serious images not making the primetime news…
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