ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD: "Complete Resolution Of "Long Covid" Symptoms After 2 Weeks of Treatment With IV EDTA Chelation Alternating With Vitamin C Infusions - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis"

by Paul Alexander

I re-share this very interesting substack by ANA MARIA MIHALCEA

Image: Initial Visit Live Blood - sludge like appearance of blood, with many CDB/ Hydrogel filaments

In this case report, I describe a 32 year old male who called me from out of the country with symptoms of “Long Covid” for over 18 months. They started after a family member got the C19 injection and came to visit. The entire family got sick. After the initial illness that lasted for about a month, the patient had worsening symptoms of shortness of breath, heart palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks, fatigue, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, aggressiveness, irritability, the need to constantly move and inability to sit still, exercise intolerance, inability to sleep. Previously the patient had been an athlete and had worked in hard manual labor for up to 14 hours per day without difficulty. After onset of symptoms, the patient was no longer able to complete his work duties and declined to the degree that he had to quit his job. At the initial visit, the patient told me he felt like he was dying.


Image: Initial Visit Live Blood - sludge like appearance of blood, with many CDB/ Hydrogel filaments

Image: Initial Visit Live Blood - sludge like appearance of blood

He flew from another country with his partner and came to my office the following week. He was highly agitated, unable to sit still, unable to focus and extremely anxious. His blood was almost unrecognizable as blood. I could not find a single red blood cell that was not clumped together in this sludge that definitely does not transport oxygen.

He was treated with his first iv EDTA Chelation that day. He felt so much better that he went for a 5 hour hike up the local mountain.

He received daily IV treatments. EDTA Chelation with Glutathione alternating with Vitamin C and Epithalon. He also was started on nutritional supplements, nasal Selank peptide for his anxiety and brain dysfunction, nitric oxide supplement and other supportive nutritional therapies. He improved daily. Within his two week stay, all of his symptoms resolved. He felt like he was 20 years young again. He was able to sit still, focus, remember normally, exercise and hike as he had historically, he had no palpitations, was able to sleep normally through the night. His mood normalized, his laughter returned, he no longer had anxiety or panic attacks.

He received a total of eight infusions. His Live Blood analysis on the last day of treatment was normal, without any CDB Hydrogel Filaments seen:

Some brief comments to my subscribers:

I am grateful that I have not been censored on Substack and that people share my articles. Many success stories that I post about are people who found me through this newsletter. Thank you to my patients who are allowing me to share these findings and evolve medical science.

There are so many of them, and I am so busy, it is hard to keep up with writing these amazing stories. Since it is Mothers Day, I wanted to share some hopeful news. My mom, a brilliant retired physician, reads my newsletters and she told me I gave her nightmares when she read my posts about transhumanism the other day. (Hi Mom… Happy Mother’s Day. I hope that hearing of people getting healed makes you smile.)

People email me all the time and say they do not have access to iv EDTA Chelation what else do I recommend or ask me to comment on other therapies. If it works for you, do it!

I am reporting what works in my experience and what I can do, so that others may know and look into similar solutions. Imagine, in the US we have freedom doctors who falsely negate nanotechnology and synthetic biology and all have bought into that narrative - thereby ignoring EDTA as an option. Most who give their opinions do not even see patients, have never looked at anyone’s live blood, have never looked at the C19 vials personally and overall are not in a position to comment…

None of them are doing original research - everything they write about is work done by others. In my view, the lack of clinical direct experience and direct research work allows you only to have conjecture and opinions. This is one way limited knowledge and a controlled narrative gets recycled, by repeating what you think someone else knows.

I am just one voice in a huge country showing that something else like EDTA does dramatically work, but you have to change your entire frame of thinking to accept that modality and treatment option.

My hope is that somehow what I do will help people somewhere. I got a message from India that people were getting EDTA Chelation there and after three iv’s their highly contaminated blood with rouleaux and many filaments were completely cleared.. “It works” they said. That is great news!


Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Complete Resolution Of "Long Covid" Symptoms After 2 Weeks of Treatment With IV EDTA Chelation Alternating With Vitamin C Infusions - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Documentation - A Case Report
Image: Initial Visit Live Blood - sludge like appearance of blood, with many CDB/ Hydrogel filaments In this case report, I describe a 32 year old male who called me from out of the country with symptoms of “Long Covid” for over 18 months. They started after a family member got the C19 injection and came to visit. The entire family got sick. After the in…
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