FINALLY World Health Organization (WHO) has made one correct statement to GAY & bisexual community to limit sex partners; I say not enough, tell them , ONE (1) partner ONLY & NO anal sex for 3 weeks!
by Paul Alexander
No sexual anal contact in men who have sex with men, no skin to skin contact, no abrasive sex contact to reduce chance of breakage of infected anal and penis pustules and warts and tissue micro tears
Remember, it was I who wrote this many times, one sexual partner and no anal sex for 2-3 weeks. Seems the WHO is reading my writing;-) now let us hope they grow the stones and stop the political correctness bullshit and drive to deliberately cause this virus to expand to the low risk heterosexual community. IMO it is too late, the horse has left the barn and CDC and WHO have conspired together to cause this virus to enter the low risk heterosexual community. Show me otherwise.
The bisexual community provokes the greatest fear as to transmission capacity to the low risk community.
WHO recommends gay and bisexual men limit sexual partners to reduce the spread of monkeypox
Men who have sex with men are at the highest risk of infection right now from monkeypox, according to the WHO.
About 99% of cases are among men, and at least 95% of those patients are men who have sex with other men, according to WHO official Rosamund Lewis.
WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said men who have sex with men should consider limiting their sexual partners to lower their risk of infection and reduce the spread.
The WHO chief called on media, public health authorities and government to fight stigma and discrimination, which he said will only fuel the outbreak.