Dr Steinlein’s attitude should surprise nobody. There is the proximate cause, that throughout the West, health professionals have spent the past six months fantasising about denying medical treatment

by Paul Alexander

To people whose views on vaccination differ from their own. And there is the more general politicisation of the entire medical profession over the past two years...eugyppius nails it again

Yes, the cancel culture has reared its head and it did not take too long and eugyppius nails it again…

Ortrud Steinlein (source).

Irina Ioudina runs a company called Medical Munich, a kind of medical tourism bureau that helps Russian nationals travel to Munich to receive treatment in hospitals here. Recently, she received an email from Dr Ortrud Steinlein, director of the Ludwig Maximilians-Universität Clinic for Human Genetics, announcing that her facility would no longer treat Russian nationals:

Dear Ms Ioudina

due to the serious violation of international law by the autocrat Putin, who is obviously mentally disturbed, we are refusing in principle to treat Russian patients, with immediate effect. Ukrainian patients remain of course very welcome.

Sanctions have made it all but impossible for Russians to receive treatment in Germany in any case, but after screenshots of this outrageous email made the rounds, LMU clarified that the doctor had “communicated her personal opinion in a very emotional situation” and that their clinics will “treat all patients regardless of nationality, religion, cultural or gender orientation.” This is the same LMU, which last December immediately fired and banned from the premises an unvaccinated employee of their Institute for Pathology, for the crime of posting a viral video to TikTok about the testing harassment to which she was subject.

Dr Steinlein’s attitude should surprise nobody. There is the proximate cause, that throughout the West, health professionals have spent the past six months fantasising about denying medical treatment to people whose views on vaccination differ from their own. And there is the more general politicisation of the entire medical profession over the past two years, which has left us with a whole hoard of petty tyrants like Steinlein, who now believe it is their responsibility to shape and enforce all manner of government policies.

The consequences of containment will be with us for a very, very long time.
