GAY male porn star 'Silver Steel' shares photos of monkeypox lesions & tells of the pain; Steel shares photos of changes day-by-day & urges gay men to not touch etc.; he BRAVELY has done more than CDC
by Paul Alexander
I give Silver huge praise for his bravery for he has done more here, his words were more than CDC and NIH. Huge praise for this is what the GAY community needs to hear…he says
“Also this is a droplet virus so it spreads by kissing, sharing drinks, or even touching someone who has lesions/blisters on their skin! Use lots of hand sanitizer, wave hello instead of hugs and kisses, and be cautious at crowded events, especially ones where people are sweating!”
Believe it or not, this is way more than the inept corrupted Fauci et al. and CDC have done for the GAY community. I share as a public service announcement to ensure we get information out to the high-risk group. I plead that there must be no stigmatization or disparagement. This virus uses skin to skin and trauma and micro tears on the skin to spread. A heterosexual couple can transmit to each other if one is infected and there is abrasive heavy skin to skin intimacy etc.
Silver Steele was covered in agonizing blisters around his mouth that took around 20 days to worsen before getting better.
“Silver, from Houston, Texas, wrote on his Instagram: “These lesions can be very painful, others have them on their genitals, or anorectal area, making going to the bathroom excruciating.
“If you know someone suffering from this, reach out and check on them because they may be feeling really alone. A kind word goes a long way.”